BFR is Revolutionizing Sports Performance
Why Super Bowl ChampS use B3 BFR
If you’re an elite athlete, student athlete, sports enthusiast, or weekend pickleballer, BFR will take your game to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.
But we don’t want you to just take our word for it. We want you to hear it from an EXPERT in the field of sports performance. Known as one of the top athletic trainers in the NFL, Rick Burkholder is the Head Athletic Training Coordinator (ATC) for the Kansas City Chiefs, as well as the organization’s VP of Sports Medicine & Performance. He’s an integral part of the coaching team that’s brought home THREE Super Bowl Championships since he’s taken the Head ATC role. Learn more about Rick Burkholder.
After the video, we hope you’ll keep scrolling and explore what other athletes have to say about BFR. It’s truly a game changer!
BFR for Student Athletes here.

hOW bfr wORKS
The BFR Biohack slows blood flow, reducing the amount of oxygen going to your muscles, so they reach fatigue easier & quicker. When you “feel the burn” your body EASILY produces “pro athlete” levels of lactate in your muscles, without an extreme workout. When the lactate spills from the muscle into the bloodstream, it sends a signal to your brain & your pituitary gland releases HGH & Nitric Oxide, just like a Super Bowl Champion.
You can build muscle, feel younger & more energized, experience natural pain-relief, all without having to do a “pro athlete” level workout. The athletes love it for the same reason – easier workouts that get better results, without any soreness the next day! That’s right no pain from lactic acid build-up AND they save their bodies for game day; it’s a no brainer!
Everything we’re saying (you’re reading) is backed by science. It was discovered by USA Olympic Doctor, when the Japanese were showing remarkable improvements & it was considered they could be cheating. Turns out, they were using a training method created by Dr. Yoshiaki Sato in 1966.
Dr. Jim Stray-Gunderson, the Team USA Doctor, went on to improve the technology, so it would be 100% SAFE for anyone, without the elite level monitoring of an Olympian. To clarify, anyone who has NOT been restricted from exercise by their doctor. Dr. Gunderson holds the patent on the multi-chamber designed B3 bands that we are making available to you.
Pro teams like the KC Chiefs have used BFR to rehab Mahomes & win 3 Super Bowls. Now the technology celebrities, pro athletes & doctors have been using for years, is available to all of us!
National Pickleball Champion uses B3 Bands
In this video, 21-time USA Pickleball National Champion, Scott Moore shares how B3 took him to the next level, while do LESS training! Yes, you read that right, he’s won the National Championship 21 times!!
“Competing year-round in National Pickleball tournaments requires a high level of fitness and stamina. Before the B3 Bands I was challenged with finding the time to do strength training. When I did lift weights, I was always sore.
As the reigning #1 Senior Open Pickleball player, there was always new and younger players gunning for me. I needed a competitive edge to stay on top. Then I met Dr. Mike. I was amazed during the first workout in the Bands that lasted less than 20 minutes. It felt like I had worked out for 2 hours, but without all the stress on my body.
Since implementing the B3 Bands daily, I have noticed incredible results as well as tremendous anti-aging benefits. My on-court explosiveness and endurance is at a whole new level. I am never tired anymore after long tournaments. My body feels younger. I am sleeping better and have endless energy.
Thanks to the elevated HGH, I had a fracture in my heel that healed in 3 weeks and I a torn cartilage in my knee that healed without surgery.
I tell everyone I know about the B3 Bands… everyone should be exercising this way!”
Learn more about Scott Moore.

The patented B3 BFR bands are utilized & trusted by the following well-respected organizations:

“I started Training with B3 Bands & was shocked at the pump, burn & fatigue I experienced. I implemented the bands in ALL my training. I noticed big changes in power, speed and explosion, as well as my performance.”
-Vinny M. World Champion Martial Artist, Dyton, OH

“I love the B3 Band technology. Whether for an athletic advantage in sports performance, shorter injury rehab duration or improved health reasons, this technology is leading the way in transforming how we exercise.”
-Dr. Ken Otto, Appleton, WI

“After rotator cuff surgical repair of a shoulder, it is a lengthy process for a patient the ability to rebuild strength safely & effectively. The B3 Bands have helped bridge the gap allowing patients to safely increase their shoulder strength earlier in the post-op recovery process, while feeling a satisfying burn.”
-Rhodes Physical Therapy, Farmington, Utah

“As soon as I started training with B3 Bands, my speed increased dramatically. After 8 weeks, I went to a Big Football Camp and ran a 4.35 40-yard dash and earned multiple D-1 Football Scholarships. These bands are LEGIT.”
-Colin D. Centerville, OH

“I was capped out on vertical jump, until B3 Bands. After training & jumping drills with the bands, I added an INCREDIBLE 6 inches to my vertical jump in Volleyball.”
-Emily S. Salt Lake City, UT
What is BFR?
BFR stands for blood flow restriction. However, that’s a bit misleading when it comes to the B3 bands, because the patented multi-chamber design does NOT restrict blood flow. They provide a gentle squeeze that safely SLOWS the blood flow. In other words, our patented design turns the BFR technology into what we might more accurately refer to as Blood Flow Resistance, rather than Restriction.
If you’re interested in learning more, check out this 15 minute discussion about the science, with patent holder, Dr. Jim Stray Gunderson and B3 President & Founder, Dr. Mike DeBord.
What makes B3 Better than other BFR Bands?
B3 BFR Bands are trusted & preferred by Olympians, Pro Athletes & Teams, Super Bowl Champion KC Chiefs, Health Care Professionals and Celebrities all around the world.
They’re comfortable, waterproof, safe & easy-to-use, once you know how they go one. With the B3 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, what do your really have to lose? Extra weight, pain or fatigue?
BFR Bands even come with your own personal coach!
See how B3 compares to other BFR technology currently on the market.
Why so much $ ?
We asked Angi (from our Weight Loss page) what she thought about the price, this is her response:
“I can’t tell you I didn’t wish they were cheaper. That said, the ROI has proven to be off the charts, for me personally.
My bands are almost 3 years old & working like new. I used them daily for two years & 5x a week for the last year:
Year 1 365
Year 2 365
Year 3 260
Total uses 990
$500 (approx – including tax & shipping) / 990 = $0.51 cost per use
(drops to $0.38 if they last 2 more years)
So, for 51 cents per use, I get:
- Coaching for the first month. And personalized programs to support fitness or sports performance goals are available upon request.
- Patented, safety tested, technology that I can use safely without supervision.
- My pituitary gland releasing more HGH & Nitric Oxide than it has since I was an athlete in my youth. For FREE! I know people who’ve paid thou$and$ monthly for the synthetic version.
- All the anti-aging benefits that come from those two powerhouses! HGH & NO have rewound the clock for me.
- Scientific studies showing this technology improves in bone density, along with brain & cardiovascular health.
- Fastest & EASIEST way to get high intensity exercise that I have ever tried, while also being the least damaging to my body (low load & less time). My entire workout takes less time than driving to a gym!
The only way I can see these bands being a losing proposition, is if you buy them & don’t use them. But if you use them, you’ll find the price is a steal for ALL you get.”
Are B3 Bands Safe?
Yes. Our patented, multi-chamber design makes B3 Bands the safest on the market. Unless your doctor has restricted you from exercise, you can start getting HIT benefits from low-intensity exercise.
If you’re interested in learning more about the science on safety, check out this 15 minute discussion between patent holder, Dr. Jim Stray Gunderson & B3 President & Founder, Dr. Mike DeBord.
Ready to get started?
What else can I do with my bands besides walking?
You can use your bands while doing any activity you enjoy. You could even do practice drills for a particular sport. In fact, that’s how National Pikelball Champ, Scott Moore, improved his game. We do recommend that you do not exceed 20 minutes, when doing activities beyond walking.
You can even wear your bands while swimming. That’s right, our bands are waterproof, which means they’re washable. If you’re ready to start getting more from your exercise, get started here.
Can Seniors use the bands?
Since HIT (high intensity training) provides so many anti-aging & health benefits, the bands are FANTASTIC for seniors who’ve NOT been restricted from exericise by their physician.
Check out the amazing BFR benefits for anyone over 40 here.
Are they safe for kids?
The Mayo Clinic recommends Strength Training for children, but not Weight Training. If you’re beginning to understand how the BFR Biohack works, you know it’s right in line with the Mayo Clininc recommendation. The bands help anyone build Strength, without heavy weights.
In other words, if kids are exercising, they can use B3 Bands. We’ve had children as young as 5 yrs, who use, love & benefit from the bands.
Order a set for your youth today.
I'm a trainer/gym owner. can you help me implement BFR with my clients?
B3 Bands are an AWESOME Training Tool, and have been SUCCESSFULLY implemented into Gyms and Training Centers across the country
With the increase in popularity, your members and clients are going to hear about BFR! Why not be the ONE who introduces them to the tool that will change their lives? Lighter Load, Less Time with Better Results… they will love you forever & never forget you! At least that’s how we felt when those benefits started showing in: our health, our skyrocketing energy levels & of course, IN OUR MIRRORS!
Set yourself & your business apart by telling your peeps about the best and safest BFR bands on the market.
For more information, call us at (702) 210-3383 or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.
What if I'm not exercising now?
B3 Bands will take any exercise to the next level. Start where you are and ease into it. If you’ve been immobile, you may start with someone assisting you to stand up & sit down as many times as you can. Remember, the goal is to feel the burn & keep it going as long as you can. That’s what we are shooting for, because we want the muscle to produce enough lactate to spill into the bloodstream. If you’re more mobile, start with some walks & see if you can feel the burn.
Once you discover how much you need to do to feel the burn & hold it for 3-5 minutes. Again, you don’t want to stop when you get the burn, you want to keep going with the burn as long as you can until you can, gradually working up to 3-5 min. You won’t believe what that 3-5 minutes will do to transform your health & your body!
With the BFR Biohack you’ll see real Results, Faster than you can imagine. It’s unbelievable how quickly you build muscle with BFR.
– Typically spend 50% less time exercising
– Get better results; typically, 50% less load or output
– Experience decreased pain in joints & chronic injuries
– Experience faster recovery or no recovery needed
With the B3 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, what do you have to lose? Besides extra weight, pain, fatigue…
Ready to get started?
We Are Here to Help

Reach us by Phone (702) 210-3383
Hours: 8 am – 4 pm pacific.
If you have ANY questions, you’re welcome to call & we’ll do our best to help.
You can also reach out by completing the contact form.